Wire & Cable Expertise for Signal Transmission Solutions


officeNice Fountain is a leading manufacturer of Coaxial cable, Gas injected physics foam CATV cable, VGA cable, Multi-Core shield wire, Microphone cable, Speaker wire, satellite cable, CCTV Security cable, JIS 3501 & JIS 3502 coaxial cable, Audio cable, Computer cable, Car antenna cable, RF Cable, Digital communication cable, USB cable, RG MIL-C-17 Type, Audio / Video cable Assembly, Connector Cord Sets, Custom design.

Nice Fountain is the preferred choice of wire and cable users throughout the world.

同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)是一種電線及訊號傳輸線,一般是由四層物料造成:最內裡是一條導電銅線,線的外面有一層塑膠(作絕緣體、電介質之用)圍攏,絕緣體外面又有一層薄的網狀導電體(一般為銅或合金),然後導電體外面是最外層的絕緣物料作為外皮。根據尺寸來分同軸電纜則有不同標準規格,從1/8英寸到9英寸直徑不等。 同軸電纜 (Coaxial cable)是一種訊號傳輸用之纜線,一般以單芯之裸銅線、多芯銅絞線、銅包鋼線或是鍍錫之銅線為纜線中心之導體(Conductor),再由內而外以四層環狀之被覆材料包圍而成:中心導電銅線之外面有一層塑膠 (透明 PE、發泡 PE、FB、Solid 實心之聚酯材料) 絕緣體(Insulation, Dielectric 電介質),絕緣體外面又有一層或二層薄的熱融鋁箔或是錫箔(Aluminum-Mylar Foil)以增強抗電磁干擾之效果,然後再以一層或二層網狀編織(Copper Braid Shield,一般為銅線或是鋁線等金屬線網)的導電材料,網線之編數有 64編、128編 或是 60%、90%、100% 等不同編織密度,纜線外層之外皮保護層(Jacket)也是由塑膠(PE、PVC、NC-PVC、LSFH)絕緣材料包覆。有的同軸電纜為增加電纜之抗張強度,其邊沿會再加一條鋼索(Steel Wire),用以支撐佈(架)線之拉力,藉此保護電纜主體。 因為同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)之斷面為同心圓,其構造在電磁訊號傳輸上具屏蔽作用,較不易受外界雜訊干擾,雖然其電磁阻抗會因同軸電纜之介質材料不同而相異,常用於傳送影音、網路等高頻率之訊號。長久以來,人們已使用同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)傳輸高頻訊號。由於隨著電纜長度之加增,各頻段之衰減量亦相對變大;特別是「彩色」視訊,因此同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)傳輸不宜超過 200 公尺,雖然使用線徑加粗之「同軸電纜」(Coaxial cable)( 較粗之同軸電纜較不利於佈線、施工 ),或是另加「 同軸訊號強波器」(補償衰減之訊號)後可以延長傳輸距離,但是傳輸信號若為高頻率之影像訊號,還需要加裝「高頻補償器」。因此,同軸電纜之特性,即是其訊號衰減距離和訊號的頻率有關。所以,較高級的「同軸訊號強波器」能對訊號中不同頻率之頻段,分別調整不同大小的訊號補償,以降低輸出訊號之失真率。 一般來講,訊號頻率越高,衰減越大。所以,當同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)傳輸距離將近 200 公尺左右時,接收端所得到的影像品質將會明顯不良,因為影像之彩色訊號為高頻信號,所以色調 (亮度、色彩) 會變得暗淡。然而,在同一線路中,「同軸訊號強波器」最多只能串接 3 個,否則所傳輸訊號將會失真。若是在監視系統中使用同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)時,為了保證有較好的影像品質,建議串接後之傳輸距離要限制在 500 公尺以內。 同樣線徑之同軸電纜(Coaxial cable),在外觀看起來可能差不多,但是因為構成之線材差異,其抗氧化力、物理結構、介電係數和中心導體之裹握力、纜線張力、防水性、耐用溫度、使用壽命等數據,皆不盡相同。同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)在佈線時,要避免彎角(不可折直角),且同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)之二端點,均需再附加專用之接頭,才能與設備相互連串。同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)之接頭不但要注意防水,還要防止高溫、日曬,必要時可全程配管,才不易因傳導不良而產生訊號衰減或斷訊之情況。 用於影音訊號輸之電纜,傳輸訊號愈強,需要愈大的導線線徑,其規格都是依據美國電纜規格 AWG (American Wire Gauge) 而定,一般同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)之傳輸阻抗通常是 75 歐姆,而線徑規格之單位為「平方公釐」;AWG 值越大,其對應之中心導體直徑就越小。同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)中央的中心導體,可分為純銅心 (Solid Copper) 及銅包鋼 (Copper/Steel);純銅材質之纜線有較佳的傳輸品質,而銅包鋼材質之纜線,其抗撓曲、抗張力強度之物理特性則較穩固。所以,同軸電纜的中心導體材質之粗細、純度,決定其訊號傳輸之效能。 日系同軸電纜(Coaxial cable)之規格,由細而粗,就有 3C、4C、5C、7C 等纜線外徑之區分( 3 是指電纜外徑約為 5.4 平方公釐, 5 是指電纜外徑約為 7.4 平方公釐,C 是指電纜之阻抗為 75 歐姆, D 是指電纜之阻抗為 50 歐姆);以常用之 5C-FV ( F 是指半透明之發泡 PE 聚乙烯絕緣,V 是指單層隔離網編,W 是指雙層隔離網編,T 是指三層隔離網編 ) 同軸電纜而言,其等級便不如 5C-2V/CS( 2 是指實心聚乙烯 Solid PE 絕緣;CS 是指中心導體為銅包鋼線)、5C-2V/S( S 是指中心導體為銅絞線)、5C-FB、RG/6-U ( RG/6-U 是指供高頻率官方使用 Radio frequency Government,中心導線為 18 AWG 1.02 平方公釐,發泡聚乙烯 Foam PE 絕緣及熱融鋁箔和雙層鋁線編織隔離之一般美規 Universal specification 同軸電纜,RG - 6原本是軍事規格 )。 ● 50 Ohm 高頻同軸電纜 ● 有線電視同軸電纜 UL1354 ● RG型同軸電纜 UL1354,1365,1478,1792 ● 75 Ohm日規同軸電纜 UL 1354 1365 ● 50 Ohm日規同軸電纜 UL 1478 1792 ● 日規發泡同軸電纜 50 & 70 Ohm LOW LOSS ● 汽車收音機用線同軸電纜 ● 架橋 PE 同軸電纜線 ● CCTV 保全監控同軸電纜 ● 50 Ohm RF 系列 低損失發泡同軸電纜 ● 扁平編織網線同軸電纜 ● 麥克風線同軸電纜 ● 80℃ 300V PVC 電子線 UL 1007同軸電纜 ● 編織銅線同軸電纜 ● 半硬質 PVC 電子線 UL1061同軸電纜 ● 105℃ 600V PVC 電子線 UL1015同軸電纜 ● 半硬質PVC隔離線 UL1533 , 2547同軸電纜 ● 隔離線 UL1185 , 2854同軸電纜 ● 平行隔離線 UL2562同軸電纜 ● PVC絕緣電線 UL1571同軸電纜 ● 鋁箔銅網隔離電腦線 UL2464同軸電纜 ● 單雙層遮蔽電腦線 UL2464同軸電纜 ● 電腦線(對型)UL2464同軸電纜 ● 鋁箔麥拉遮蔽電腦線 UL2464同軸電纜 ● UL多蕊電腦纜線 UL2835 , 2725同軸電纜 ● UL多蕊電腦纜線 UL2733同軸電纜 ● 8蕊頻率調整用電纜 UL2969同軸電纜 ● 低電壓電腦線 UL2919同軸電纜 ● 緊包單蕊與雙蕊光纖同軸電纜、跳接線同軸電纜、塑膠光纖同軸電纜 ● 低壓控制同軸電纜 UL2990 ● 通用串列匯流排同軸電纜 USB Cable ● 透明喇叭線Clear Speaker Wire 同軸電纜 ● 光纖同軸電纜 ● 高頻連接器 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables:
  • RG-TYPE 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • CATV 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • 75 Ohm JIS PE 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • 50 Ohm JIS PE 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • JIS FOAMED 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Car Radio 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • XLPE 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • High Resolution OFC Audio Video 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Microphone 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Flat Braided 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Copper Braid Wrap 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Hook-Up 同軸電纜Coaxial Cables
  • Equipment 同軸電纜Coaxial Cables
  • Hook-Up 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Shielding 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Shielding Wire 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Shielded Appliance Wiring Material 同軸電纜Coaxial Cables
  • Electronic Equipment 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Computer 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • PVC Jacketed 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • PVC Jacketed 同軸電纜Coaxial Cables
  • Low Voltage Computer 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • 8 Core Modulation Frequent 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Low Voltage Control 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Optical Fiber Patchcord 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Clear Speaker Wire 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • USB 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • CCTV 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables
  • Optic 同軸電纜 Coaxial Cables


    Coaxial cable is used as a transmission line for radio frequency signals. Its applications include feedlines connecting radio transmitters and receivers with their antennas, computer network (Internet) connections, digital audio (S/PDIF), and distributing cable television signals. One advantage of coaxial over other types of radio transmission line is that in an ideal coaxial cable the electromagnetic field carrying the signal exists only in the space between the inner and outer conductors. This allows coaxial cable runs to be installed next to metal objects such as gutters without the power losses that occur in other types of transmission lines. Coaxial cable also provides protection of the signal from external electromagnetic interference. Description Coaxial cable cutaway (not to scale) Coaxial cable conducts electrical signal using an inner conductor (usually a solid copper, stranded copper or copper plated steel wire) surrounded by an insulating layer and all enclosed by a shield, typically one to four layers of woven metallic braid and metallic tape. The cable is protected by an outer insulating jacket. Normally, the shield is kept at ground potential and a voltage is applied to the center conductor to carry electrical signals. The advantage of coaxial design is that electric and magnetic fields are confined to the dielectric with little leakage outside the shield. Conversely, electric and magnetic fields outside the cable are largely kept from causing interference to signals inside the cable. Larger diameter cables and cables with multiple shields have less leakage. This property makes coaxial cable a good choice for carrying weak signals that cannot tolerate interference from the environment or for stronger electrical signals that must not be allowed to radiate or couple into adjacent structures or circuits. Common applications of coaxial cable include video and CATV distribution, RF and microwave transmission, and computer and instrumentation data connections. The characteristic impedance of the cable (Z_0) is determined by the dielectric constant of the inner insulator and the radii of the inner and outer conductors. A controlled cable characteristic impedance is important because the source and load impedance should be matched to ensure maximum power transfer and minimum standing wave ratio. Other important properties of coaxial cable include attenuation as a function of frequency, voltage handling capability, and shield quality. Construction Coaxial cable design choices affect physical size, frequency performance, attenuation, power handling capabilities, flexibility, strength, and cost. The inner conductor might be solid or stranded; stranded is more flexible. To get better high-frequency performance, the inner conductor may be silver-plated. Copper-plated steel wire is often used as an inner conductor for cable used in the cable TV industry. The insulator surrounding the inner conductor may be solid plastic, a foam plastic, or air with spacers supporting the inner wire. The properties of dielectric control some electrical properties of the cable. A common choice is a solid polyethylene (PE) insulator, used in lower-loss cables. Solid Teflon (PTFE) is also used as an insulator. Some coaxial lines use air (or some other gas) and have spacers to keep the inner conductor from touching the shield. Many conventional coaxial cables use braided copper wire forming the shield. This allows the cable to be flexible, but it also means there are gaps in the shield layer, and the inner dimension of the shield varies slightly because the braid cannot be flat. Sometimes the braid is silver-plated. For better shield performance, some cables have a double-layer shield.[4] The shield might be just two braids, but it is more common now to have a thin foil shield covered by a wire braid. Some cables may invest in more than two shield layers, such as "quad-shield", which uses four alternating layers of foil and braid. Other shield designs sacrifice flexibility for better performance; some shields are a solid metal tube. Those cables cannot be bent sharply, as the shield will kink, causing losses in the cable. For high-power radio-frequency transmission up to about 1 GHz, coaxial cable with a solid copper outer conductor is available in sizes of 0.25 inch upward. The outer conductor is rippled like a bellows to permit flexibility and the inner conductor is held in position by a plastic spiral to approximate an air dielectric.[4] Coaxial cables require an internal structure of an insulating (dielectric) material to maintain the spacing between the center conductor and shield. The dielectric losses increase in this order: Ideal dielectric (no loss), vacuum, air, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polyethylene foam, and solid polyethylene. A low relative permittivity allows for higher-frequency usage. An inhomogeneous dielectric needs to be compensated by a non-circular conductor to avoid current hot-spots. While many cables have a solid dielectric, many others have a foam dielectric that contains as much air or other gas as possible to reduce the losses by allowing the use of a larger diameter center conductor. Foam coax will have about 15% less attenuation but some types of foam dielectric can absorb moisture—especially at its many surfaces — in humid environments, significantly increasing the loss. Supports shaped like stars or spokes are even better but more expensive and very susceptible to moisture infiltration. Still more expensive were the air-spaced coaxials used for some inter-city communications in the mid-20th century. The center conductor was suspended by polyethylene discs every few centimeters. In some low-loss coaxial cables such as the RG-62 type, the inner conductor is supported by a spiral strand of polyethylene, so that an air space exists between most of the conductor and the inside of the jacket. The lower dielectric constant of air allows for a greater inner diameter at the same impedance and a greater outer diameter at the same cutoff frequency, lowering ohmic losses. Inner conductors are sometimes silver-plated to smooth the surface and reduce losses due to skin effect.[4] A rough surface prolongs the path for the current and concentrates the current at peaks and, thus, increases ohmic losses. The insulating jacket can be made from many materials. A common choice is PVC, but some applications may require fire-resistant materials. Outdoor applications may require the jacket resist ultraviolet light, oxidation and rodent damage. Flooded coaxial cables use a water blocking gel to protect the cable from water infiltration through minor cuts in the jacket. For internal chassis connections the insulating jacket may be omitted.

    Coaxial Cables:

  • RG-TYPE Coaxial Cables
  • CATV Coaxial Cables
  • 75 Ohm JIS PE Coaxial Cables
  • 50 Ohm JIS PE Coaxial Cables
  • JIS FOAMED Coaxial Cables
  • Car Radio Coaxial Cables
  • XLPE Coaxial Cables
  • High Resolution OFC Audio Video Coaxial Cables
  • Microphone Coaxial Cables
  • Flat Braided Coaxial Cables
  • Copper Braid Wrap Coaxial Cables
  • Hook-Up Coaxial Cables
  • Equipment Coaxial Cables
  • Hook-Up Coaxial Cables
  • Shielding Coaxial Cables
  • Shielding Wire Coaxial Cables
  • Shielded Appliance Wiring Material Coaxial Cables
  • Electronic Equipment Coaxial Cables
  • Computer Coaxial Cables
  • PVC Jacketed Coaxial Cables
  • PVC Jacketed Coaxial Cables
  • Low Voltage Computer Coaxial Cables
  • 8 Core Modulation Frequent Coaxial Cables
  • Low Voltage Control Coaxial Cables
  • Optical Fiber Patchcord Coaxial Cables
  • Clear Speaker Wire Coaxial Cables
  • USB Coaxial Cables
  • CCTV Coaxial Cables
  • Optic Coaxial Cables
  • Cables & wire:
  • RG-TYPE Cables & wire
  • CATV Cables & wire
  • 75 Ohm JIS PE Cables & wire
  • 50 Ohm JIS PE Cables & wire
  • JIS FOAMED Cables & wire
  • Car Radio Cables & wire
  • XLPE Cables & wire
  • High Resolution OFC Audio Video Cables & wire
  • Microphone Cables & wire
  • Flat Braided Cables & wire
  • Copper Braid Wrap Cables & wire
  • Hook-Up Cables & wire
  • Equipment Cables & wire
  • Hook-Up Cables & wire
  • Shielding Cables & wire
  • Shielding Cables & wire
  • Shielded Appliance Wiring Material Cables & wire
  • Electronic Equipment Cables & wire
  • Computer Cables & wire
  • PVC Jacketed Cables & wire
  • PVC Jacketed Cables & wire
  • Low Voltage Computer Cables & wire
  • 8 Core Modulation Frequent Cables & wire
  • Low Voltage Control Cables & wire
  • Optical Fiber Patchcord Cables & wire
  • Clear Speaker Wire Cables & wire
  • USB Cables & wire
  • CCTV Cables & wire
  • Optic Cables & wire